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Patricia Antero, DPM is available to treat foot and ankle ailments such as diabetic foot care, ingrown toenails, fungal toenails, warts and painful calluses. Our practice specializes in general foot care.

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Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains are very common injuries with more than 3 million suffered each year in the US. They occur when the ligaments in the ankle are severely stretched or torn. Medical attention will be necessary to rule out a fracture, as often it is difficult to tell the full extent of the injury.

Bunions (hallux valgus deformity) are usually located on inside part of the foot by the Big Toe joint. Other smaller bunions can be by the 5th toe joint (tailors bunion or bunionette). This is a progressive condition that is made worse by inward pressure from tight shoes. Bunions can be very painful, and in some instances surgery may be necessary to remove them.

Flat Feet
Flat feet is a condition where the entire, or nearly entire, bottom of the foot meets the ground when standing. Depending on the severity, symptoms of flat feet can range from severe pain to no symptoms of pain but may still need orthotic devices for issues like Bain pain.

Hammertoe is a characterized by one or more of the toes having a bend in the toe at one or more of the joints. It is a result of a joint imbalance due to the way we walk. Arthritic or traumatic factors. Tight shoes can contribute to the presence of the hammertoe and bunion deformities.

Diabetes and Your Feet
Diabetes is a systemic illness that can affect many different parts of the body. This is especially true for the feet. Proper foot screening is incredibly important for diabetic patients and any kind of cut or sore should be taken very seriously.

Heel Spurs
Heel Spurs can be present on the bottom or back of your heel with or without plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis respectively.

Corns and calluses are hard layers of skin that usually form due to friction. Generally, they will be in areas of the foot that are bearing weight, or areas that frequently rub against the shoe. Soft corns are typically found between the toes.

Athlete's Foot
Keeping the feet clean and dry especially between toes, however well moisturized as to avoid openings in skin. Toenail fungus can contribute to this condition and vice versa.

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